:mod:`unet_interpolated` ======================== .. py:module:: unet_interpolated .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Modification in U-Net model for low resolution gfas-frp data which requires interpolation due to non-whole number scaling required in the final layer. Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Model(hparams) Bases: :class:`model.unet.Model` .. autoapi-inheritance-diagram:: unet_interpolated.Model :parts: 1 The primary module containing all the training functionality. It is equivalent to PyTorch nn.Module in all aspects. .. method:: forward(self, x) Forward pass .. method:: test_epoch_end(self, outputs) Called at the end of testing epoch to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: List of individual outputs of each testing step. :type outputs: list :return: Loss and logs. :rtype: dict