:mod:`unet_snipped` =================== .. py:module:: unet_snipped .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Modification in U-Net model for fwi-reanalysis. The upsampling layers towards the end are removed before the activation resolution gets higher than the output resolution. Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Model(hparams) Bases: :class:`model.unet.Model` .. autoapi-inheritance-diagram:: unet_snipped.Model :parts: 1 This class implements modified U-Net module by removing the up-sampling layers once activation resolution matches with the resolution of fwi-reanalysis. It is equivalent to PyTorch's nn.Module in all aspects. :param LightningModule: The Pytorch-Lightning module derived from nn.module with useful hooks :type LightningModule: nn.Module .. method:: forward(self, x) Does the forward pass on the model. :param x: Input tensor batch. :type x: torch.Tensor :return: Output activations. :rtype: torch.Tensor